Wednesday, November 29, 2006


We have had a generous amount of assistance so far from friends and family, so a big thanks goes out to Dave and Andra for the change table (among a PT Cruiser load full of other useful things), Karen, Julie I., Danielle, and Trish for maternity clothing, Meredith and Jen for baby clothes and other stuff, and to Denise and John for providing our future Toronto Maple Leaf fan with his/her first sleeper:

(I realized that the gift was intended for the baby after attempting to try it on. Apparently, I've put on a few pounds.)

And a shout out to our families, who obviously are as eager as we are to add the extra chair to the dinner table.

If anyone has been left out, please excuse my neglect as I am flying by the seat of my pants here. Now, I must begin the unenviable task of shopping for a new digital camera and trying to justify the hefty price tag to Julie after the purchase.

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