Monday, January 29, 2007

The Third Trimester has begun

Well I have hit the third trimester. The first two have gone by relatively smoothly, so I am assuming that the last one will be hell. And it seems to be living up to my expectations.

I am having the most incredible leg cramps, usually in the middle of the night, but the other day I had them in the pool. I didn’t know how I was going to get out of the pool. Luckily I was in the shallow end, so there was no life guarding needed. Can you just picture it: large pregnant woman being hauled out of the water by some scrawny 16 year old boy!

The nausea seems to have returned right on queue. Yesterday was my first day into the third trimester and I felt gross the whole day. Seems that my hormones kick into high gear for the next little while. Ginger tea will be reintroduced to the diet I am expecting.

Speaking of hormones, Marty got a taste of what to expect in Home Depot yesterday. We were looking at paint colours, and I burst into tears because Marty couldn’t see into my head and what I imagined Junior’s room to look like. Being the patient soul that he is, he gently escorted me back to the car with soggy paint chits in hand and brought me home to look up some ideas on the internet. We ended up finding the perfect inspiration and are both really excited about it.

I’m starting to get the nesting feeling. I want to get things ready and done. Junior’s room, stroller, organizing, getting our bedroom ready, etc… The urge is not too strong yet, but I feel it coming on. Be very afraid Marty, very afraid…

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More Observations

A few more observations from the first pregnancy perspective.

I have now out grown most of my initial maternity clothes. What sort of scam is this? The maternity clothing market is something I think I will consider investing in. I have outgrown most of my nice new little tops. And it's not the belly part, it's the boobs. I had to stuff myself into my pretty Christmas blouse for one last time, just because I only wore it about 4 times. And it's so pretty!! But bless Trish's heart, who is about to burst and lent me a bag full of new tops. It was just like Christmas going through the bag and trying them all of. Today I am sporting a lovely pale blue linen top, which is quite roomy and I have high hopes of wearing it for a good couple of months.

Next observation, I'm growing moles. Ick is right! They aren't technically moles (according to my investigative reading) but little skin "flaps" that change colour after a while. Supposedly they go away after delivery. I sure hope so, because I am starting to get a little freaked out. I've got a lot of them!! A few other things I am not going to miss: swollen ankles, puffy fingers, sore hips, and this weird muscle/skin pain thing (which is still there).

But before everyone starts to think that I am ungrateful, there are defiantly some things that I will miss. Like Marty kissing my belly. When he came to pick me up at the airport after my trip to New York (which I will blog about soon), I got a kiss and then the belly got a kiss. How wonderful is that! I will also miss him reading to Junior. The nights that he is home when I go to bed, he puts his head on my belly and reads from a book of children's poems. I will also miss feeling Junior moving around. The whole weirdness of knowing there is a tiny human growing inside me as passed. Now I just like to feel him swimming around and doing cartwheels. I actually get a little sad when I don't feel him at the moments when I can actually sit and relax and enjoy it. To the point that I start poking my belly to see if it will get him moving. Supposedly he will react to light now, so I think we will have to try the flash light on the belly thing and see if it gets him moving. If only I knew where his head was!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Belly Watch Episode 3 - 24 Weeks

Whilst her wardrobe perpetually diminishes, there is no denying the inevitable. The little guy is kicking up a storm on the inside, and much like his father, seems anxious to get on with things. Julie, on the other hand, tends to get freaked out at the thought of labour and delivery. I continue to assure her that I will be present to do all of the freaking out for her so that she can rest easy, but apparently it doesn't work that way.

As I write, an episode of "The World's Strongest Man" competition is on TSN (instead of the Leafs game, which is blacked out in the Ottawa viewing region thanks to the Senators, but that's another issue). Currently, the competitors are moving a hollowed out car by standing in the centre of it and lifting up with straps placed on their shoulders. I mention this because as much as I will undoubtedly support my son in any endeavour, I might feel a pinch less of pride if he decides to take this route. Perhaps if he wore a Leafs jersey while he competed...

The Battle of the Belly! - When Julie was in Montreal for New Years, she had the chance to visit with friends and family, but more importantly, the long-awaited pre-match weigh-in between Julie and Danielle took place. Julie appears to have the edge in size by a few weeks, but don't discount Dan's experience in handling the glorious girth!. Should be a good one.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Giant Within

Had another prenatal this morning. Everything is going well, pee test clear, heart beat strong. Junior seems to be a very happy camper. And he seems to be a giant as well. I am in the 90th percentile in weight gain and uterus size. I'm measuring at 26 weeks when I am only 23 1/2. Thank you giant Detto genes!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!! I must apologize for not being more faithful to the blog. I guess there just isn’t a whole lot going on right now that I think people will be interested in. But I figured a little holiday recap might be appropriate at this time.

This was our first Christmas in Ottawa. We are usually in TO by the 24th the latest, but with Marty’s schedule, he had to work Christmas night. So, what to do? Olga and Jonathan invited us over for a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner. I know Marty raved about it on his last entry, but I have to rave too. It was the best turkey dinner I have had in my life! The turkey was so juicy and tender, even the white meat melted in your mouth like butter. Kudos to Jonathan, you make a mean bird!

Marty didn’t end up having to work Christmas Eve, so we got o have a wonderful sleep in together and then opened our stockings. We are obviously meant to be together as we bought two of the same things for each other. I now have a couple of good books to hunker down and enjoy. Thanks babe! And we treated ourselves to the new digital camera (see previous blogs). Marty had to work Christmas night but we enjoyed a dinner of cheese and pates, and some SFU.

On Boxing Day we headed for TO after Marty got some sleep. We arrived just in time to have leftover turkey (gotta love a holiday when you get to eat turkey twice!) with the whole Detto clan (sans Kevin whose in BC). It was nice that everyone was able to stay the extra night so that we could see them. Connor, Junior’s cousin, is a great little guy whose just learning to walk and ready to run. Marty and I did some mall walking (the malls in the outskirts of TO are incredible!!), saw a movie, walked the dog, I finally learn how to play Euker, and got to sleep a lot. Exactly what a holiday is supposed to be.

We headed back home on the 29th, had quick bite to eat and headed out to see Mere and Ron (and Ella of course, Duncan was in bed). We had to take advantage of the one night we were going to be able to get out and spend a little time with them. It was a really nice night, though short.

Marty started his latest shift on the 30th. Since he was going to be working on New Year’s Eve, I jumped on the bus and headed to Mtl to spend a couple of days with the fam. It was really nice. I had a chance to catch up with Josee and Danielle, and spend some time with Claudia and Charlotte. Seems the Strawberry Shortcake toys were a big hit! Went to a really nice dinner with Tam, Matt and the kids and then Danielle and Adrian came over to watch the ball drop. We all made it to midnight (even Tam, barely) and then all went to bed rather quickly! I got to watch the Rose Bowl parade (my New Year’s Day tradition) on a large flat screen TV in HD. Very impressive. Matt brought me to the bus stop and was his usual gallant self. The line up was crazy so he found someone, told them I was pregnant and next thing you know, I’m being ushered onto a bus. Sweet! I’ve got to start using this pregnancy thing to my advantage.

Oh, and the pregnancy. Things are moving along. I am still have some real discomfort with the muscle thing around my rib cage. It is really starting to feel like a torn muscle. I see the doctor tomorrow, so I’ll see if there is anything to do. Bras are a nightmare and I haven’t really worn one for the last week and a half. Don’t know what I am going to do now that I have to go back to work.

So that’s the news. A new belly shot will be coming in the next couple of days. And Mom, I’ve got a picture of Danielle and I butting bellies which I think you will like, that I will post as well.

Sorry for the rambling…