Monday, April 21, 2008

One more week

This time next week I will be sitting in front of a computer. But instead of it being in my living room while watching Max do laps and chattering away, I will be sitting in my office at work. Yes, I have one more week of maternity leave.

A lot of people are asking how I am feeling. Am I looking forward to going back. Am I ready. I don't know how I am feeling, I am looking forward to going back at some moments during the day, and no I don't think I am ready.

Yesterday I felt flustered and rushed, thinking about all these things that I wanted to get done before going back. Like cleaning the basement, getting the backyard ready for summer and organizing all of Max's summer stuff. Marty kept reminding me that he is home for the summer and will get some of that stuff done, but for some reason, I feel like I should have accomplished more before going back. I had all these ideas of things I wanted to do on mat leave. Who know taking care of a child was so much work.

The more I think about it, the more I know I will be OK going back. I will enjoy the work and change of routine. Though I also know that the first few weeks will be a huge adjustment for me and I will have to get used to the ache in my heart when I leave in the morning. Marty promised to come meet me for lunch a few times over the summer.

I'm pretty sure this won't be the last post about going back to work. I figure I will get more frantic and more emotional as the week progresses. Aren't you lucky!

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