Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Not going as planned

This week just isn't going as I planned it. I wanted to do so many things with Max, and so far we haven't been able to do any of them.

Yesterday was swimming. I wanted to go to the wave pool with him for the last time with Olga, Meredith and Heather. Well after waking up at 5am, he melted down at 10am and needed to go to bed. Actually, so did I as I had been up since 3am. So Monday didn't work out.

Today was play group. I have been going almost every Tuesday for several months now and this was going to be my last one. I was really looking forward to it. I have met some really nice mothers and Max enjoys playing with the toys and seeing all the other kids. Why didn't we go? Max woke up at 4am today. He had a nap from 8-9:30 and then went down for his usual nap at 12:30. It's now 2:10 and he is still asleep. Play group is from 1:30-3:00.

The rest of the week should fare a little better as my plans are not time oriented. But I can't say I am not disappointed that the first two days didn't work out. If only Max knew what this week is for me, maybe he would be a little more cooperative.

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