Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nothing new

I always feel a little guilty when several days have gone by and I haven't posted anything. But nothing exciting has happened lately. We are still in the same routine, though sleep has become a bit of a challenge again. Max seems to think that 5:30 is a good time to get up in the morning. I tend to disagree with him strongly, though I never seem to win that argument.

In case you are counting, Max turned 7 months old yesterday. No he isn't rolling yet and there is not a tooth in sight. Most people are telling me to count my blessings, but it would be nice to see him achieve the rolling milestone soon or I will start to worry. You can see that he is almost there, but still doesn't see the whole purpose of it.

Oh another little update on me. I have hurt my knee. I decided to play soccer more aggressively, which is how I play and I have been swollen and limping since Wednesday. I am seeing my sports doctor tomorrow to see what the problem is. There are three other women on my team that had the same surgery and they don't seem to have any problems. If worse comes to worse, I really hope I can find someone to buy my season from me. I hate to see $200 go to waste. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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