Sunday, October 07, 2007

Happy Thanksmas

It's 7:30am and the turkey has been in the oven for two hours now. Yes, you have done the math right. We got up at 5:00am to get the turkey in so that we could do Thanksmas lunch. Why did I offer to do it here again? Oh right, I thought it would be easier to have everyone here than pack all we need for Max for just a day. Hmmm, I maybe I was a little hasty with that decision.

Marty and I set the alarm (yes, Max has been good and sleeping in to about 7:30 every morning) and got up to prepare our first turkey. It's a 26 pounder and we have no idea what we are doing. It was an interesting adventure, especially trying to figure out where to put the sausage meat. I guess we'll see how it all turns out in about 5 hours.

For those of you who are asking, "What the heck is Thanksmas?" here is the brief history. My family celebrates Christmas at Thanksgiving as my parents are snow bird RVers and are south every winter. My parents missed having Christmas with the family so we created Thanksmas, with gift giving and everything. A little twist to the gifts is that we have to make the gifts for the adults, the kids get bought stuff. It's been 6 years, and I really like our little family tradition. And yes, we do have a little Christmas tree, along with pumpkins.

So Happy Thanksmas everyone. I'll let you know how the turkey turned out.

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