Tuesday, October 23, 2007

6 months old

Dear Maxim,

You are six months old. Where has the time gone? I still can't believe that you have been a part of our lives for six months. What did we do without you?

There are a few milestones that you have reached the past three months. You can now sit on your own when I place you on your butt; your babbling has developed into blowing bubbles and constantly saying "dadadadada" much to Daddy's delight; and you have started solids. So far you have been very fond of everything (especially bananas), though lately you have turned your nose up at avocados. You are still trying to master getting the mum-mum crackers into your mouth, but I really think you enjoy turning them into mush and smearing them all over your clothes more than eating them.

You have become a very social animal. You aren't strange and will happily go to anyone's arms, as long as I am still in your field of vision. You are quiet in large crowds, which makes everyone ask me what did I do to get you to be so mellow. I think you are just soaking it all in and waiting for your moment. Our routine is pretty simple: dog park in the morning, visiting with friends or running errands in the afternoon. And Thursday mornings we have music class, which you seem to really enjoy.

You still haven't figured out how to fall asleep on your own during the day. I think this is going to be a battle that we will fight soon as you are getting a little too heavy for me to put in the sling for long periods of time. Your nights are not too bad at the moment. You wake up once for feeding and then again around 4:00am, when I will grab you and sleep with you in the spare bed. I think we both really like that and it will be difficult for both of us to break that habit. But there is no need to at the moment, so I will cherish it while I can.

You still haven't figured out how to roll from your back to your front. I really don't think you see any reason to. I put you on your stomach every day and you still aren't a fan. Yesterday you did roll from your stomach to your back, resulting in bumping your head on the floor. You really weren't impressed with that, no matter how much I praised you. There are still no teeth trying to poke through, but I know that they are on their way and I am in no rush to go through the whole teething process, but how cute will you be with little chiclets in your mouth!

There are only six months left of my time at home with you. I always wondered if I would be able to last a whole year away from work, and now I know going back will be a challenge. But let us not think of that, but about all the adventures that are ahead of us.

I love you my jellybean,


1 comment:

Karen said...

That picture of Max sleeping is the cutest thing ever.

I knew you'd never have a problem lasting a whole year away from work... the hard part is always going back.