Friday, March 30, 2007

Second time...not a charm

Well we tried another version attempt yesterday. Nothing. The midwife didn't even try for that long because he has dropped so far down into my pelvis that she couldn't get his bum up. So what do we do now? Well there is one OBGYN that we have had two excellent references for that the midwife is going to try and see if we can get in to see him. If we can't see him, then we will be getting prepared for a c-section.

We see Tanya next week (she is actually coming for a home visit) and she will have all the information about getting the consult with an OBGYN, and how we set up the c-section. We will continue to try all of the crazy upside down, burning chinese herbs, talking to the belly, etc until I'm strapped down on the table. But I also have to start getting my brain wrapped around the fact that chances are I will be sliced and diced.

I can't say that I am not disappointed. We waited so long to get a midwife, planned for a great natural birth and now might end up with the most invasive and medical of births. I know, I know, keep you eyes on the prize Julie. As long as he is healthy, that's the main goal. But the 6 weeks postpartum recovery is what I am dreading the most. I have a feeling many favours will be called in!

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