Friday, March 23, 2007

The Version

We tried the version yesterday and… it didn’t work. Junior is stubbornly still in the Frank Breech position. Frank Breech is basically when the baby is in a pike position (think diving, not fish), and is the hardest breech position to turn.

The procedure wasn’t as painful as I thought it was going to be. It wasn’t comfortable that’s for sure, and there were a few moments when the discomfort was rather intense, but it didn’t last for long. The midwife tried to turn him one way, and when that didn’t work, she tried the other. Basically what she tried to do was rotate the baby by palpating my belly with her hands; grabbing his head in one hand and bum in the other and slowly encouraging him to flip. Needless to say my muscles are a little tender today.

The midwives were very encouraging and Marty was great, sitting by my head, stroking my face and giving me lots of support. There is still some time for Junior to turn on his own, so we will continue to do all the little things that we have been doing. And if he doesn’t we can try the version again in two weeks. If he doesn’t flip by then, we will have to have a consult with the OB and schedule a c-section.

I was more upset than I thought I would be, as I spent moments in silent tears last night. I think lack of sleep, hormones and the fact that I have a bad cold have major factors in the emotional reaction. Marty is being very optimistic, I hope some of that optimism rubs off on me.

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