Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eureka!... I think I'm going to cry

Well my enthusiastic post yesterday was a little premature. We have figured out what has been causing Max's discomfort... me.

Marty and I decided to try a little experiment. As the Zantac didn't seem to be working, we thought it might be something in my diet, other than lactose( which I had quit), that could be bothering his tummy. So instead of me eating boiled rice and chicken for a few days, we decided to give Max only formula for a day and see what happens. I bet you can see where this is going.

Well yesterday was the test day. He didn't seem to spit up as much as usual and the big reveal... last night he didn't have his grunting, groaning, squirming, etc. After the 2am feeding, he sucked furiously on this hand (he hasn't figured out how to get fingers or thumb into his mouth consistently) and then fell asleep. Not a grunt or a groan, except from me that is. With Max blissfully falling into a painless sleep, I came to the realization that it's me. My milk is what has been giving him all this discomfort. So now that I figured out that there is tones of it, it's no good!!

So now the decision is whether or not I go on the boiled rice and chicken diet and introduce one thing at a time, day by day to see what is bothering him. I don't know if I am up to it. I am feeling rather defeated. It seems that every time we figure something out with the breast feeding, something else comes up to beat me back down. I'll have to make my decision soon as there are already 5 bags of breast milk in the freezer and another bottle in the fridge.

With the digestive history of my family, it's no surprise Max has a sensitive gut. From my IBS, Grandma's belches that you could hear from down the street and Dad's legendary "fly poops" (for some reason that's what he calls his farts), poor Max didn't have a chance.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Seriously sucky Julie but I'm glad that (a) you have a large milk supply - that is at least a relief and (b) you figured out what is causing his discomfort.

I don't have an answer for you on what to do. i can totally understand why you might decide to go just for the formula. However, if you do decide to keep at it and try the chicken rice diet, at least there are two major benefits: the first is of course that Max is still getting breast milk which is great and the second is that any baby weight you still want to get rid of will go REALLY fast!