Friday, August 31, 2007

Reflections of the year past

Another birthday has come and gone. It was a rather uneventful day. My gift from Marty was time to go swimming. It was wonderful. Since Marty is back at school, we are on a pretty restrictive budget, and the time to go swimming was worth more than a big ol' wrapped gift. And we went out for Korean, with Max, who was a complete angel. Who could ask for a better way to end the day?

Do I feel older? Not really. But this is the first year that I really feel blessed. Sounds a bit odd, doesn't it. Last year at this time, Marty and I were still reeling over the news that we were pregnant, considering we were told it was almost impossible. How incredibly fast the year has gone. I was pregnant and now we have Max, who is already 4 months old! One third of my mat leave is already gone. It's speeding by. At this rate, Max will be heading to university in a blink of an eye. I don't even want to think about that.

What have I learned over the past year? Laying upside down on an ironing board will not turn a breech baby, PC grapefruit soda is actually pop and not grapefruit flavored carbonated water and I finally understand the whole parental love thing. Today I was sitting on the front stairs with Max on my knee blowing strawberries on his neck, making both of us laugh. And I thought to myself, there is no where else in the world that I would rather be. The only thing that was missing was Marty sitting beside me.

And tonight we had the most incredible meal of home made ravioli. Yep, a four month old baby, and we made home made ravioli! I will post the extremely easy recipe in the next couple of days. It'll blow your mind.

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