Monday, December 11, 2006

Belly Watch, Episode 2 - 20 Weeks

In this latest installment, we can clearly see some progress in the size of Julie's belly. Of course, being Marty, I remind her of this far beyond the reasonable limit, jeopardizing my life in the process. As Julie becomes more radiant by the day, I too, have packed on a few pounds. Despite the numerous warnings of my "As the Father-to-be, you are still a part of the pregnancy" literature, I have succumbed to my sweet tooth without a fight. I constantly plead with Julie to stop baking those brownies with the chewy centre, but to no avail.
As I'm not feeling creative today, I will just point out that we should know the gender after tomorrow's unltrasound. I am extremely anxious to find out, as I need as much time as possible to prepare for one of the following speeches:
a) The "I'm her father and you are nobody" intimidation speech at meeting the first boyfriend; or
b) the "I'm his father, and he IS the next Mario Lemieux" rant. DISCLAIMER: If graced with a girl, I still intend on "guiding" her into a career as a future hall-of-famer. It's not societal expectation thing with me...honestly.

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