Friday, February 08, 2008


I am learning to knit. Actually, I am taking a class in learning how to knit. It's actually a lot of fun. Five women sitting in a living room, drinking jasmine tea and eating whatever goodies Karen brings with her. I guess you could call it a "Stitch 'n Bitch" but it's an actual class where we are learning how to do stuff. There is a small period to bitch at the end of the class.

The first project we are doing is a scarf. A scarf that I have had to rip out three times. I am finally making some progress and have learned how to fix my mistakes (excellent reason to take a class might I say), though I am finding it extremely long and somewhat boring. Once you learn to knit sstraight rows, there isn't much excitement in it. So Karen suggested I try a dishcloth. She had this great easy pattern and a ball of cotton. Yesterday I sat down during Max's three hours of nap (yippee!) and knit myself this lovely little dishcloth. It was extremely satisfying to have finished something. Unfortunately the scarf we are making isn't the nicest of colors. I am pretty sure it's going to end up in the Goodwill bag if I ever get to finishing it.

Aunty Iris, I am now one less person you will have to knit these for!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie. Well I'm not making dish cloths at the moment. Im back into needle point. Just love seeing the end results. I have so many hanging on my walls. O yes and don't forget to have a great time on your trip. Give my love to everyone. Love Aunty Iris......