For the uninitiated, the Bumbo chair is a little molded schmoochie plastic chair that babies can sit in, even if they can't sit up on their own yet. You can also buy a tray, for toys and eventually some snacks. Who ever came up with this gadget is rolling in it now, considering that the retail price is $60, plus the tray! I was hoping to find a used one, but they sell really fast. I just happened to mention it to K when I was visiting this week, and voila! I have to say that our timing for having a kid was pretty great. We get all the stuff that all of our friends' kids have out grown! And yes, the picture is of Max on top of the dishwasher. Not recommended by the Bumbo manufacturers, but Max really likes to be eye level with us (well me at least).
Boob update. I am down to pumping only in the morning and at night. And it is more to alleviate the discomfort. Mother Nature is rather cruel in that way. I can't produce enough milk to feed my baby, but do produce just enough to make me really uncomfortable. I tried not pumping the other night and ended up getting out of bed at 1:00am after not being able to sleep because my boobs hurt. I was a bit of a mess that night. On most other days, I am dealing with the end pretty good I think. Although if one more woman asks me how the nursing is going I think I might wind up and clock her.