Monday, November 29, 2010

Annual photo

A couple of weeks ago we went to Santa's workshop at one of the local malls. There were gingerbread houses and balloon animals. It was a good time. It was also the arrival of Santa. So along with all the other fun, we had an early chance to see the big guy in red.

As long as he will be willing, I hope to get an annual picture of the jellybean and Santa. Can you believe this is his fourth Christmas?!? This fourth one was good. The Santa was awesome. The jellybean looks a little unsure, but he was really excited to see Santa. I wasn't really prepared for the fact that I was going to be a part of the picture, but hey. What ever works.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

I went years without my son sitting for Santa. Enjoy the pictures while you can!