Friday, May 15, 2009

2 Years Old

Dear Maxim,

You are two years old. Holy cow, when did that happen? When did you go from being a little baby to a little boy? And a little boy you are!

You love to roar like a dinosaur. You love to watch bugs and try so hard to pick up ants with your little fingers. You still prefer to eat with said fingers rather than using a spoon or fork, but you are getting better at it. Keeping true to yourself, you are still a really good eater. There isn’t much you turn your nose up at, but cooked peppers and zucchini. You love all fruits and could eat your weight in “nanas” if we let you.

Walking and running come easy you now. You still aren’t much into climbing things, but are starting to explore a bit more. You are attempting to jump too, which is the cutest thing ever. You can now go up the stairs on the play structure at the park all by yourself. And your favourite thing to do at the park is to sit up in the little house and “make muffins.”

You language skills blow daddy and mommy away. It isn’t very often that we don’t understand what you are saying. You have been speaking in full sentences for a few months now and to hear “Can I have a cracker please Mommy?” is normal in our household. You talk to your toys and animals in your own little language and even laugh at your own jokes. Your favourite things to play with at the moment are your race track from your cousin Mitch (whom you adore) and Play-Doh. You still like to read books and now are starting to sing songs. Singing “Down By The Bay” with Mommy makes her smile and laugh. It’s one of her favourite things to do with you.

You love to be outside. We have planted a runner bean together and you run to it every day to see if “bean grow?” You always want to go walking up and down the street to visit certain houses. Karl’s across the street to smell the flowers; Allison and Daryl’s to visit Milo and if you’re lucky go inside and play the piano; and Jenn and Jim’s to play with your two buds Xander and Mason. You often cry when we have to go home, and we end up carrying you under our arms.

Speaking of crying, you are a crier. And a whiner. Some days mommy and daddy have a hard time listening to it. You aren’t the best at listening to mommy and daddy when we are trying to talk to you, especially if you are playing with your “boys” or watching TV. You even push us out of the way sometimes when we interrupt you. These are the times you end up with time outs, which you don’t like one bit. We have witnessed a couple of full fledge, fling on the floor tantrums. Those are tough on mommy and daddy but we are trying to figure it all out.

Would we want it any other way? Never. Daddy and Mommy are constantly amazed by you and can’t wait to see what new and fun things you discover.

I love you my jellybean.


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