Thursday, June 14, 2007

Weight Update

These boobs are useless!! Max is still not gaining weight. He only gained 50 grams about 1 1/2 ounzes) in the past week. He should have gained closer to 200 grams. His spit up was a little better last week, so it was deduced that I was just not giving him enough. I think it's a combination of Max having a hard time latching, and me just not producing enough, even with the medication. So we are back to supplementing.

Basically we are returning to the schedule that we had to do when we discovered that I wasn't producing enough milk, but the nursing time will be a little less. I will nurse him for about 20 minutes and then top him up with soy formula (oh, did I mention I was off all dairy to see if that helped with his spit up? It's killing me! No ice cream in the summer! It's inhumane.) And when I get the chance I will pump, so that we can add the breast milk to the supplement.

I actually started this entry last week when we had seen the doctor. Five days later and I am still having trouble finding the time to get it up. We have noticed that Max is getting a little chunkier. I am very happy about that. We will get the final verdict on Thursday when we have our last appointment with Tanya and see what sort of weight he has gained. The supplementing regime is going well, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything will be settled with this.

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