Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Miscellaneously Max

Here's a bunch of miscellaneous things that Max has been up to lately.
  • Sitting watching some football on Sunday, Max was yelling at me "Cookie!" I chose to ignore him. Then he wanted to sit on my lap, facing me. I was watching the game, and basically ignore his yelling at me. Max then took my face in his hands, turned it towards his face, looked right in my eyes and said: "Mama, yook (look), cookie." It was the funniest thing. Every time I turned my face he did the same thing. Marty and I were in absolute hysterics. It deserved at least a cracker.
  • Marty covers his mouth, burps and says "Pardon me." Max covers his mouth, blows out and says "I bewrp." Sometimes he says the same when he farts.
  • Max likes to empty one of his baskets in his room, sit in it then say "Mommy, row row boat." Which decoded means, Mommy, lets sing Row row row your boat.
  • Max is starting to pretend things. Tonight in the bath he pretended to eat ice cream.
  • If the phone rings, Max points to it and says "Hewwow?"

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