Monday, July 14, 2008

How cute is he?

For Max's first birthday, Nana and Opa bought him this cool truck toy. It's sort of a walker that transforms into a ride on toy that transforms into a wagon. And on the steering wheel there is a horn button. When Max first tried it, he repeated "Doot! Doot!" Every time that he plays with it, he will repeat "Doot! Doot!"

A few days ago he saw a picture of a truck and he said "Doot! Doot!" How cute, right? Wait, it gets better. Today Marty calls me at work with this little gem that made my heart melt.

Max was taking his afternoon nap. The recycling truck comes down our street, making a stop at each house. A few minutes later Marty hears quietly through the monitor "Doot. Doot." Every time the truck moved to the next house, Marty would hear it again. This is how Max woke up this afternoon. How cute is that? Too cute. Man I love that kid!

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