Monday, July 28, 2008

Detto Family Vacation (in Pictures)

We got back from the yearly Detto family cottage vacation on Saturday. It was a really nice week with lots of time down by the lake, lots of eating good food, and lots of laughing and antics (both kids' and adults'!) Here are some pictures from the week.

We weren't there fore more than a few minutes and Max swindled Rick into reading him a book.

Day two and Max in in the water.

Max hung on Connor's every word and action. Come Christmas time, he'll be running after Connor!

Max discovered Bacci. Lining up for the perfect shot.

Max also discovered and new toy. You can see how excited he was when he figured out all the knobs and dials.

Little cousing Emmy. Check out those gorgeous blue eyes!

Max and Mike did some bonding.

And Max and Opa too.

Dinner time!

Chili was in doggy heaven.

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