Saturday, May 17, 2008

A deck

And here it is. The deck.

It's lovely isn't it. Built in just four days. Mom and Dad arrived Sunday night. The building began Monday morning and by Thursday when I got back from work, they were sitting under the gazebo having a beer. Let summer begin.

How can we repay my parents for all of their help? Not sure yet, but hopefully they know how much we really appreciated it. Now we have a great place to spend the summer and Max is loving it already. Just a railing to put up, some landscaping to do and the backyard will be our little paradise. I plan on spending my summer there. Care to join me?


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie.........I was talking to your Mom over the weekend and she was telling me about the deck they help build in your back yard. It sure looks beautiful. Your Dad did a wonderful job. I know I am a liitle late in wishing your son "Max" a happy 1st Birthday. He is so cute and I really enjoy reading your blog. My twin grandbabies's are 6 mos. now and their big brother just turned 6 years old on the 17th of May. I can't wait to see them again this summer. I'll send you a picture of them soon ,as it is really important that family keep in touch. Take care and love to all, give the baby a kiss for Auntie Irene

D houi

Christel said...

Hey There!!! So I was on your blog and looking at all the pics of Max (he's adorable BTW) and I realized - Oh my God! Max is already over a year old! Time goes by way too fast and I guess I havne't been in touch in ages. Sorry I'm really bad with the email thing! It's so cool thought to see how well you guys are getting along and enjoying life with Max. I hope your enjoying being back at work - even though it was hard to do so after being at home with Max for a good time.

Things are crazy here. We're starting some home constrution ourselves this month (Love your deck! - very jealous) We're also going throught the process of applying to adopt a child here in PA (hence the need for an addition to the home).

Anyway I thought I'd drop you a note. Even though I'm pretty poor at keeping in touch you guys are definately in our thoughts. Also mom always updates us on stuff going on up there after she's talked to your mom.

Larry sends his love!!!

Lots of Love!! Christel