Friday, November 30, 2007


Let it be known, that on this day, Friday, November 30, 2007, Maxim Tomas Detto rolled for the very first time. He is 7 months and 6 days old. According to legend, or Tammy, he will be right handed as he rolled right. We'll have to wait a while to test this theory. I am kind of hoping he will be left handed as I am the only south paw in the family.

This has made my day which threatened to be horrible as I have been awake since 3:30am. But now with a good cup of tea (with honey for my throat - laryngitis), a big bowl of miniwheats and my boy rolling, things are starting to look up.

This is Max right after he rolled, while Mommy clapped and praised him (a little too enthusiastically I think).

And this is Max when he rolled back over about 10 minutes later. Doesn't he just look as pleased as punch?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Knee Update

Well, I am not to play soccer, or any other sort of active sport. This is the diagnosis from my sports doctor. She figures I just have a bum knee. Other people get through the surgery 100%, but it would seem that I am not one of those people.

She told me to do some physio to strengthen the hamstring and quad muscle and do some jogging and maybe I could try again in the spring. Let's be honest here. I don't have the time or money for physio and I HATE jogging. So it looks like I will be a swimming/pilates/yoga person. Yeah... I will try and be more enthusiastic.

More news, I have come down with a cold and have lost my voice, so basically read this with a very high pitched squeek in your head.

Happy days!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nothing new

I always feel a little guilty when several days have gone by and I haven't posted anything. But nothing exciting has happened lately. We are still in the same routine, though sleep has become a bit of a challenge again. Max seems to think that 5:30 is a good time to get up in the morning. I tend to disagree with him strongly, though I never seem to win that argument.

In case you are counting, Max turned 7 months old yesterday. No he isn't rolling yet and there is not a tooth in sight. Most people are telling me to count my blessings, but it would be nice to see him achieve the rolling milestone soon or I will start to worry. You can see that he is almost there, but still doesn't see the whole purpose of it.

Oh another little update on me. I have hurt my knee. I decided to play soccer more aggressively, which is how I play and I have been swollen and limping since Wednesday. I am seeing my sports doctor tomorrow to see what the problem is. There are three other women on my team that had the same surgery and they don't seem to have any problems. If worse comes to worse, I really hope I can find someone to buy my season from me. I hate to see $200 go to waste. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A me update

I figured I would give a bit of an update on myself. Most of the blog readers are out of towners, so they don't know the little details of what's going on in my life. Believe it or not, I do a few little things away from Maxim.

General Health: I'm doing pretty good health wise. At the moment I am suffering a bout of insomnia, but I usually come out on the other side of them pretty much intact, though this is the first time since Max was born. We'll see how it goes. I still have about 10 pounds to go and am getting a little frustrated. I have been wearing the same pair of jeans, every day for the past 7 months. I am ready to burn them, and really think I will once I can fit into my old pants (hope you don't mind Tam!). I have accepted that I probably won't ever fit back into my tops with these new boobs, so I think Meredith is going to be getting some great tops in the next little while.

Physical Health: I still walk to the dog park almost every morning, and attribute that to getting most of the weight off. Now I am going to have to go a little farther to get the rest off. Heather has decided to join me for Thursday night swims which will make it so much easier to get there. Misery loves company. We went for the first time last week even though I was on only a few hours sleep I think I did pretty well. I have also started indoor soccer. My first game was last Tuesday. I didn't do nearly as bad as I thought I would and I don't think I was totally useless on the field. I went easy, not knowing how my knee would feel or if my lungs would burst. Surprisingly both were fine, so tonight I will push it a little harder. I am also going to try and fit in a night of yoga, or some pilates. That is going to be the tricky one to get organized. I seem to have lots of things to do in the evenings and Marty always ends up being home. He said the other day that he will have to find some things as well, since we both need the break from the house at least once a week.

Emotional Health: Well we all know that it was a little rough in the beginning. But I am feeling great right now (other than the lack of sleep). Max is such a little wonder and even when I am having a bad day, he is always there with a smile for me. And we can get him to laugh on cue mostof the time, so I can always get a little giggle out of him that makes me laugh right along with him.

So there you have it, a little update on me. What's new with you?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dreaming American

Last night I dreamed that I was having knee surgery again. My surgeons were McDreamy and McSteamy (I had just watched last week's Grey's Anatomy - thank you PVR). So all in all a very pleasant experience. How did I know I was dreaming American? During my MRI McDreamy said that I definitely needed surgery and then said... "We'll book you tomorrow." I did how ever wake up before the bill arrived.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A bad night

For the past few nights, I have been suffering from insomnia. I get it every once in a while and I usually get over it in a week or so. But this is the first time that it has happened since Maxim arrived and I can say, it's way worse!

So last night, Marty, the love of my life, said that he would sleep in Max's room and do the night time stuff and let me sleep with my earplugs in to try and get over the insomnia hump. After catching up on some Heroes, I snuggled up with earplugs in and fell into a blissful sleep... for a while.

Marty said that Max woke up crying at midnight. A little earlier than usual, but Marty decided to feed him. Well, both Marty and I, in a brief stupid parenting moment, didn't look to see if there were any bottles made before we went to bed. How does that "assume" adage go again? So Marty had to hold a screaming Max while trying to make bottles. I can assure you that there will never be no made bottles in the fridge again. I however slept blissfully ignorant through the whole thing.

Then I woke up at 3:00am. This is the usual time that my insomnia kicks in. So I stumble down stairs to pee and then when I crawled back into bed I could hear crying through my earplugs. I take them out and Max is having a complete melt down. This is very unusual. Marty was at a total loss and so was I. I told Marty that there was no reason for the two of us to be awake, and since I was up I would try and sooth him. I did manage to. Marty was a little upset that I was able to do it quickly, but he has to realize that I am with Max all day and have picked up a couple of tricks. But the soothing didn't last too long. He slept for about 30 minutes and then woke up screaming again. So I gave in and got Marty to heat up another bottle. Max took it greedily (another growth spurt perhaps?) and fell right to sleep. If only I could say the same about me. Max started to stir around 6:00 so I brought him into bed with me. I used to be able to get him to fall back to sleep for another hour or so, but this hasn't worked for a couple of days now. So after listening to Max coo for an hour, I got Marty up. I needed to try and get some sleep. And I did. I slept until almost 10:00am! It was wonderful. I am feeling very refreshed today.

Here's hoping that tonight is better.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Maxim Update

For about a nano second, I thought that maybe I would join the NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) where you attempt to post every day in the month of November. Good thing I didn't try or I would have failed miserably. Where did I get this idea? Karen - my ultimate blogging friend, of course. So since I haven't been very diligent in my blogging, I will try and give a comprehensive blog update.

We had our 6 month check up this week. Unfortunately, Max couldn't get his shots as he has a cold. He is blowing snot bubbles with the best of them, and his little voice is hoarse. I don't know whether to laugh at him or cry. So we have to go back in another week to get his shots. He is now a healthy 19lbs 2oz and 26 1/2". Best thing about the check up, the Doctor told me that we didn't have to sterilize the water for his formula. He said that they put enough unsterilized things in their mouths that it's not really needed. Woohoo! That saves a lot of time and stress.

We still have a nice routine. He sleeps in to about 7:30ish (I am sleeping in the spare bed with him, but I am not complaining). We go to the dog park every morning. In the afternoon I either try and get him to nap or we are out doing some errands. Night time is still really good. Marty gives him his bath and puts him down around 7:30. Max is a really good night time sleeper, and we are very lucky.

We are still really enjoying the music class we are taking on Thursday mornings. We have learned lots of songs and stories and Max seems to get a real kick out of seeing all of the other babies. We are going to start going to a drop in baby group on Tuesday afternoon with Heather and Sarah. As you can see, Max is trying to flirt with Sarah, but she is much more interested in the cube. We met Heather and Sarah through an online moms forum. They live just near by and we get along great. Isn't it the best when you happen to meet up with someone with whom you have so much in common with and just gets you.

Max's favorite place seems to be in his excersaucer. He actually has managed to figure out how to sit in it like a lounge chair. He is his father's son! He loves to spin around and scream at the animals. Actually his favorite thing is to yell and scream at their tails. He is really fascinated by them. He has also been enjoying the Jolly Jumper that Karen lent us. He is starting to get the hang of it, and again spins around to find the animals.

And finally, Max is eating really well. Avocados seem to be the only thing that he is not interested in. I guess I will have to thaw the avocado cubes and make some guacamole. Now he is having some turkey and we even gave him a little bit of spaghetti yesterday. I am hoping that he keeps his healthy appetite.

That's the news for now.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

But I don't want to be a Leafs fan!

Poor Max is being forced to be a Leaf fan. Marty said he could choose his team when he moves out. Yet another motivation for him to start rolling!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Blog neglect

I have found myself in a bit of a dilemma. You see, I am having trouble keeping both the Blog and FaceBook up to date. After Thanksmas I put up some photos and updates on FaceBook about some visitors we had, but unless you are an old high school buddy, chances are you didn't see any of it. And considering that this blog is for friends and family, ... well let's just say I goofed. So here is a late entry.

After a very successful Thanksmas we had a busy week of visitors. Four very important visitors to be precise. Grandmaman and Pepe came down for a couple of days while their RV was in for repairs. For those who are not aware, Mom and Dad are now full time RVers - and this is no ordinary RV. It has a bay window, gas fireplace, central vac and air; basically, nicer and almost bigger than our house. It was the last time that we will see them until April and Mom smothered Max as much as she could. He will be so completely different the next time they see him. If we are lucky, he will be rolling! ;-)

After Grandmaman and Pepe left, we had the next very important people arrive: Nana and Opa. Glenna and Tom came down for the weekend and we had a great time together. Marty had a lot of school work to do, but we still had fun without him.

On the Saturday we went to the Canadian War Museum, leaving Marty at home to do homework. It was really interesting to go with Tom. He escaped Berlin during the Second World War and a lot of the exhibits brought back memories - some good, some bad. But he was willing to talk about them with me, which I truly appreciated. Tom has lived more in his lifetime than many people would live in four. I hope he will also share some stories with Max when he is older. I very much want Max to know as much as possible about his families' histories. That night Nana and Opa babysat and Marty and I went to see a movie. We ended up seeing a kids flick, but it was an outing nonetheless and for that we were grateful.

Sunday we all went for brunch and after Glenna and Tom walked around the Market for a while, I packed Max up and we went to Gatineau's Park. Again, leaving Marty behind. We went to Kingsmere to see Mackenzie King's summer home and gardens. It was cool but sunny and the colors were spectacular. There was a trail down to the waterfall which I suggested we take. An hour later, and some pretty steep slopes, we found out that the waterfall was dry! Well, I think I might be hearing about that one for a while. But it was a nice hike and Max seemed to really enjoy being in the backpack. And what a workout it was for me! That night we all just hung out at the house and Glenna and Tom headed back to the Big Smoke Monday morning.

It's so great having visitors. I barely have to hold onto Max. Everyone wants to either feed or bathe him. It's like a little mini break for Marty and I. So anytime anyone wants to come down for a visit, let us know. The bed is ready and Max loves to be smothered by everyone.