Saturday, July 28, 2007


Max slept 6 hours straight last night, had his feeding and then went back down, IN HIS CRIB and slept until 7:00 this morning! We have seen the future people, and it is bright!

Unfortunately tonight he will be sleeping in a play pen as we are heading to Toronto for a barbeque, and next week I am in Montreal for four nights, but we have hope that he will have a taste for the long sleep and will want to repeat it again!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

3 months old

I am going to take a cue from my friend Karen, who writes letters to her two little ones every once in a while on her blog.

Dear Maxim (or jellybean as we like to call you),

Today is July 24th and you are three months old. It's hard to believe that you have already been in our lives for three months, and other times it seems that you have always been part of our lives.

Daddy and I consider you our little miracle baby, since we were told that chances of getting pregnant naturally were pretty slim. But you persevered, your stubbornness started right from the beginning. I really liked being pregnant. It took us so long to get pregnant, and knowing that I only wanted one child, I cherished every moment I had. The last month or so was the best (other than you being breech, again, the stubbornness showing very early on). Yes I was rather large, going up stairs was an effort, and my swim suit barely fit me anymore (I was swimming up until about 2 weeks before you were born), but every night when I went to bed, I would lay there with my hand on my belly and just feel you move. And every time you did, I would smile and say "Hello little one!". It was just the most wonderful feeling. I got a little annoyed sometimes because you had the hiccups everyday, but even those would make me smile while I rubbed my belly thinking it would alleviate the annoyance for you. I know I hate it when I get the hiccups.

Your birth was fast! I couldn't believe how fast it was. They had already started cutting me open and Daddy hadn't arrived yet. I first knew of your arrival when you let out a great cry. My son had arrive! Daddy brought you over to me and nestled you to my cheek and all I could do was smile and stroke your cheek and say "Hi Maxim." I was pretty overwhelmed that you were finally here and I could finally see who you looked like. You were beautiful! A perfect little round face, not all smooshed. The football shape of your head made me laugh and I loved stroking your fuzzy hair. I was in awe of you.

Now I am still in awe of you. Every day you show me something new. A few days ago you lifted your head up high when I put you on your belly (something you aren't terribly fond of), yesterday we had a long conversation back and forth, and today you had your first giggle fit. Every time I am exhausted and don't know how I am going to get through the day, you give me one of your smiles that takes over your whole body, and I am refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

We had a rough go at the beginning, but the first three months gone, the ground work is laid, and the rest is just gravy. ;-) I can't wait to see what the next three months bring.

I love you my jelly bean,


Saturday, July 21, 2007


I would like thank all of you that offered sacrifices to your various gods and deities. Maxim is now back on breast milk, and I don't have to be on a crazy diet. We started giving Max expressed breast milk from the bottle last Tuesday and he didn't have an adverse reaction to it. How happy were we! So now he is a breast milk baby. I think we might have to supplement a bit, I don't think I produce quite enough milk, but he will be primarily fed breast milk and I am a happy camper.

We got back from the cottage Friday. The weather wasn't perfect, but it was still a nice week away with the family. Max was really good with the long car ride. His limit seems to be about 4 hours, and then he isn't terribly pleased after that point. So the last hour/hour and a half was a little hard with max cranking and crying, but we made it both there and back with little trauma.

Everyone got to know Max over the week, and I think Glenna and Tom were very happy to have a little more bonding time with him. We also got to know Max's cousin Connor more as well. He is a rambunctious 18 month old with a mind of his own. Reanne is going to have her hands full when the new baby arrives in September. After a week of eating until you bust, sitting around, laying about and all around sloth-like activity (all very much enjoyed), it was nice to get out and walk to the park. Now back to our regular routine.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Plan

We have a plan. We saw the pediatrician yesterday and he got us on this track. Here is what we are going to try.

Max needs to be on the formula only diet for a week before we can really ascertain that it wasn't just a couple of fluke nights. That will bring us to next Tuesday. In the mean time I have to continue to pump to keep my milk production up. Then we can introduce breast milk again, by bottle. The pediatrician said that it might be Max on the breast that is the problem and not the breast milk itself. So Tuesday we give Max expressed breast milk and pray. If he takes it without the grunting and discomfort, then all will be good in the world. It would mean that I could continue pumping and feeding Max breast milk and wouldn't have to go on any weirdo diet. If we give Max the expressed breast milk and the grunting and discomfort returns, then we will know it's my diet. The diet is: no dairy, no wheat, no citrus fruit, no garlic, no nuts, no shell fish, no fun. I have to be on it for a couple of days, try giving Max the breast milk again, and if he doesn't grunt, then I can begin introducing one thing at a time until he grunts again. If he still grunts after me being on the diet, then we know it's something bigger than that and we will have to go back to formula and officially give up on breast milk.

I am obviously hoping for the first scenario, but am willing to go on the no fun diet for 6 months if it means Max will get all the good stuff of breast milk. Start praying or doing your sacrificial dances for me folks! We'll have an update when we get back from the cottage.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eureka!... I think I'm going to cry

Well my enthusiastic post yesterday was a little premature. We have figured out what has been causing Max's discomfort... me.

Marty and I decided to try a little experiment. As the Zantac didn't seem to be working, we thought it might be something in my diet, other than lactose( which I had quit), that could be bothering his tummy. So instead of me eating boiled rice and chicken for a few days, we decided to give Max only formula for a day and see what happens. I bet you can see where this is going.

Well yesterday was the test day. He didn't seem to spit up as much as usual and the big reveal... last night he didn't have his grunting, groaning, squirming, etc. After the 2am feeding, he sucked furiously on this hand (he hasn't figured out how to get fingers or thumb into his mouth consistently) and then fell asleep. Not a grunt or a groan, except from me that is. With Max blissfully falling into a painless sleep, I came to the realization that it's me. My milk is what has been giving him all this discomfort. So now that I figured out that there is tones of it, it's no good!!

So now the decision is whether or not I go on the boiled rice and chicken diet and introduce one thing at a time, day by day to see what is bothering him. I don't know if I am up to it. I am feeling rather defeated. It seems that every time we figure something out with the breast feeding, something else comes up to beat me back down. I'll have to make my decision soon as there are already 5 bags of breast milk in the freezer and another bottle in the fridge.

With the digestive history of my family, it's no surprise Max has a sensitive gut. From my IBS, Grandma's belches that you could hear from down the street and Dad's legendary "fly poops" (for some reason that's what he calls his farts), poor Max didn't have a chance.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Got Milk?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do! I made the decision yesterday that Max wasn't latching well, breast feeding was hurting again, and it was just unpleasant all around. The decision was that I would pump and we would just give Max the bottle, with breast milk and formula. Well, I starting to pump and holy cow (pardon the cow reference), there's milk in them boobs! And a significant amount to boot. So it would seem that it isn't so much my not producing milk, it is more Max and I can't seem to work together to get the milk from boob to mouth. So I am glad that we will be able to give him mostly breast milk, but am a little sad that the actual breast feeding didn't work out. I will still nurse him everyone once in a while, perhaps once a day, to make sure that he can still take the breast just in case we are somewhere without a bottle.

Preparations are starting for our trip to the cottage. And by preparations, I mean I have already starting on lists in my head, next step is to put them down on paper. Marty has already started to make fun of me, but he will appreciate the lists when we are at the cottage and nothing has been forgotten. I really hope the in-laws are ready for us. Max doesn't sleep through the night and scream when ever we try to burp him, including in the middle of the night. I hope they think is cute enough to let it slide!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Not much to report

I must apologize to the few dedicated blog readers for not having posted recently. There just doesn't seem to be much to report. Things are still the same. Max spits up terribly, the night indigestion doesn't seem to have gotten any better and I don't think the Zantac is working any. But this is now all routine, it isn't overwhelming anymore and therefore nothing new to report. We see the doctor again this week and we'll see what he has to say.

One thing new, Max is starting to giggle. It's a real throaty giggle, but adorable all the same. We can't always get him to do it, but when we do, it's golden. I'm starting to get a little fed up with the fact that he can't seem to fall asleep on his own. He gets tired and cranky and if you try to put him down in the bassinet he has a complete melt down and just can't sooth himself because he is so upset. The only way he seems to be able to fall asleep is in the sling, or in your arms if you are sitting down. Needless to say, this is rather inconvenient. I'd love to have an hour during the day to do some pilates or even just to sit and have a quiet cup of tea. Oh, I can see all you mothers out there rolling your eyes saying "what did you think you were getting into?!?" but I bet your babies slept on their own for a few hours a day!

We are gearing up to go to the Muskoka's where the Dettos have rented a cottage on a lake. We went last year and it was a great time. It will be interesting to see how it works out with Max. I can't say I am looking forward to the drive, as it was a good 5 1/2 hours last year and that was sans baby. Hopefully Max will travel well long distances. The furthest we have gone is Montreal, and that wasn't too bad. I'm sure the week at the cottage will give me lots of fodder for new posts. Oh, and by gearing up we bought a cargo box for the car. Nothing like spending a significant amount of money on a plastic box! But with Chili in the hatch, there is no room for anything else. The trip to the cottage will be a good test to see whether or not it was worth the money. I think it will be.