Things on the home front are going well. We went to see the midwife yesterday and Maxim is gaining well. So that was good news. You'd never believe it with the amount of spitting up he did today. I'm surprised that there was any pee in his diaper. His spitting up is getting worse and Tanya is going to try and get us in to see a pediatrician. Especially since his spit up it starting to arc, and we don't want it to get projectile. It will be nice to have our worries put to rest. And maybe if we are really lucky they will be able to take Max on as a patient. We are still looking for one if anyone knows of one t

We started the diaper service today. It's the same price as disposables, and our conscience will be lightened as we will not be filling the landfills with diapers. I can't believe the amount of garbage we have produced, just from diapers, in the past five weeks. And Max looks so cute with a bubble butt!
Today he has spent most of it sleeping, so I am afraid for tonight, especially since it's Marty's first night on. But we'll see how it goes. On another note, we bought a sling. I love it! And best of all, so does Max. He will crank for a few minutes when he gets in, but once I start moving around, he's out and snuggled and I can get some stuff done like brush my teeth and eat lunch. And it's very fashionable (see pic below). We bought it because he really wasn't getting into the snuggly, and I needed to be able to get some things done. Unfortunately Max isn't terrible fond of being put down during the day. The minute you try to put him down for a snooze he freaks. Yes I know, there are tons of people out there saying we will pay for this bad habit in the future, but right now we are doing what works for us. Once Marty is in school and home every night, we will start working on getting him to sleep in his crib.
He is the cutest, isn't he, even with a face covered in baby acne!